The Qikiqtani Cultural Activities Program (QCAP)
Promoting Inuit Cultural Activities
The Qikiqtani Cultural Activities Program (QCAP) provides funding for community-based projects that allow community members to participate in and learn traditional skills, such as sewing, harvesting, and on-the-land activities. The program was established in 2017 and will run until March 2022.
QCAP funding is application-based. Community members or community groups can submit a proposal for a project they would like to undertake. In the 2018-19 fiscal year, the QCAP budget for all 13 Qikiqtani communities was $637,500, approximately $49,000 per community.

Community Hunt Program
Nunavut Harvest Support Program
The Community Hunt Program provides funding and assistance to organizations or groups interested in participating in community hunts.
Eligible organizations include incorporated entities such as hamlets, Hunters and Trappers Organizations (HTOs), Regional Wildlife Organizations (RWOs) or not-for-profit organizations. Unincorporated and informal groups of hunters are also eligible. Businesses will not be eligible to receive funding under this program.
Funding amounts are based on community size, the nature of the proposed hunt, and the number of harvesters involved.

Harvesters Equipment Program
Nunavut Harvest Support Program
The NHSP Harvesting Equipment Program provides funding assistance to Inuit in Nunavut who are in need of affordable harvesting equipment and tools to participate in traditional harvesting activities. An applicant is considered in need if they need financial assistance to purchase harvesting equipment required to support their family and/or community. They are also considered in need if they have suffered equipment loss due to an unavoidable natural disaster.
Funding will be provided in six areas:
- Funding assistance for the purchase of small harvesting equipment;
- Insurance coverage for small harvesting equipment;
- Funding assistance for the purchase of safety equipment;
- Insurance coverage for safety equipment;
- Insurance coverage for large harvesting equipment; and
- Funding assistance for disaster relief.

Ilagiiktunut Fund
Strengthening Qikiqtani Communities
The Ilagiiktunut Nunalinnulu Pivalliajutisat Kinaujat program offers funding to strengthen Inuit communities and families and create job readiness.
The Ilagiiktunut fund was established in 2014 through Article 12 of the Mary River Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement between QIA and Baffinland Iron Mines. In 2018-2019, QIA renegotiated an increase in funding to $1.1 million annually. QIA and Baffinland contribute equally to the fund, which will continue until 2030.
Projects selected for funding promote resilient communities, strong families, and job readiness.
For more information, contact your QIA Community Liaison Officer

Harvesters Enabling Fund
Supporting Traditional Harvesting
Through the Mary River Inuit Impact Benefit Agreement, the Harvesting Enabling Fund was created. This fund provides 300 liters of gas per year for Inuit over the age of 12 living in Pond Inlet.
For more information, contact your QIA Community Liaison Officer

Compassion and Bereavement
Supporting Inuit Families
QIA offers support to individuals during difficult and sensitive family times. The Bereavement and Compassionate Travel programs allow family members to be close to loved ones when needed.
Who can apply?
Qikiqtani Inuit enrolled with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc (NTI) under the Nunavut Agreement who are family member to the ill or deceased.
Who is considered to be a family member?
Grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, daughter, son, aunt, uncle, sister, brother and grandchildren.
What can the financial assistance be used for?
It can be used for air travel for a maximum of two family members who wish to visit a terminally ill family member, or travel to attend the funeral of a family member in another Nunavut community.
How do I get more information?
Contact your QIA Community Liaison Office or email:

Bereavement Travel Program Application Form
QIA’s Bereavement Travel Program provides financial assistance for air travel for a maximum of two family members who wish to attend the funeral of a family member or to help pay for the shipment of the remains of the deceased family member.
Compassionate Travel Program Application Form
QIA provides financial assistance for air travel for a maximum of two family members who wish to see a family member who is terminally ill and facing imminent death.
Shipment of Remains Form
QIA’s Bereavement Travel Program provides financial assistance for the shipment of human remains of the deceased family member.
Opportunities Fund
In 2016, QIA established a new Revenue Policy to guide how QIA revenues would be invested and distributed. The Revenue Policy created two funds, the Legacy Fund and the Benefits Fund. The Benefits Fund delivers programs to Qikiqtani Inuit.
The Opportunities Fund was established to allow QIA to support initiatives outside the set Benefits Fund programs. Each year, up to 10 percent of the money available in the Benefits Fund is set aside for the Opportunities Fund.
In 2018, the Opportunities Fund was used to help the Uquutaq Society develop a new men’s shelter and transitional housing project in Iqaluit.