Who We Are

We are the regional voice of Nunavut’s Qikiqtani Inuit.

Our Role

QIA is the Regional Inuit Association for the Qikiqtani Region of Nunavut, representing 51 per cent of Inuit living in the territory located in the Canadian Arctic.

QIA is a Designated Inuit Organization under the Nunavut Agreement. QIA is one of three Regional Inuit Associations affiliated with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.; the other associations include the Kitikmeot Inuit Association and the Kivalliq Inuit Association.

We work closely with our partners, such as Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada, as well as different levels of government, to represent Inuit in the Inuit Nunangat, the Inuit homeland.

The Nunavut Agreement dedicates 356,000 km² of the land in Nunavut as Inuit Owned Land –almost the size of Newfoundland and Labrador.

This represents 17.7 per cent of the Nunavut Territory. These parcels of lands are titled to Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI). NTI designated the responsibility of the Inuit Owned Land to the Regional Inuit Associations. Nearly half of Inuit Owned Land is in the Qikiqtani Region, making QIA one of the world’s largest private landowners. QIA manages the Inuit Owned Lands in the Qikiqtani Region.

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Our Team

QIA headquarters is based in Iqaluit, Nunavut. We have over 80 employees with representation in every Qikiqtani community.

Board of Directors

The QIA Board of Directors includes 13 Community Directors who are elected by Inuit in each of their respective Qikiqtani communities. The Executive Committee of the Board includes a Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President and President who are elected region-wide as well as three Community Director members at-large appointed/elected by the Board.

Executive Committee

Olayuk Akesuk


Levi Barnabas

Vice President

Jeremy Tunraluk


Tommy Akavak

Member at Large

Liza Ningiuk

Member at Large

Charlie Qumuatuq

Member at Large

Community Directors

Mike Jaypoody

Clyde River

Paul Amagoalik

Resolute Bay

Davidee Qavvik


Martha Jaw


Steven Polee Lucassie


Solomon Allurut


Peter Ivalu


Joshua Katsak

Pond Inlet

Stevie Aulaqiaq


Charlie Qumuatuq


Levi Barnabas

Vice President

Tommy Akavak


QIA Community Liaison Officers

QIA employs Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) in each of the 13 Qikiqtani communities.

VacantCLO SupervisorP.O. Box 1340, Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 ph: 867•975•8449Fax: 867•979•3238
Jack WillieArctic BayP.O. Box 69, Arctic Bay, NU X0A 0A0 ph: 867•439•8277Fax: 867•439•8217arcticbayclo@qia.ca
Jutai Toonoo Jr.KinngaitP.O. Box 151, Kinngait, NU X0A 0C0 ph: 867•897•8638Fax: 867•897•8650kinngaitclo@qia.ca
Angela KilliteeClyde RiverP.O. Box 159, Clyde River, NU X0A 0E0 ph: 867•924•6119Fax: 867•924•6120clyderiverclo@qia.ca
Alaasua AudlalukGrise FiordP.O. Box 74, Grise Fiord, NU X0A 0J0 ph: 867•980•4076Fax: 867•980•4078grisefiordclo@qia.ca
Lily Arnaqjuaq SanirajakP.O. Box 9, Sanirajak, NU X0A 0K0 ph: 867•928•8103Fax: 867•928•8114sanirajakclo@qia.ca
Richard AmarualikIgloolikP.O. Box 84, Igloolik, NU X0A 0L0 ph: 867•934•8760Fax: 867•934•8562igloolikclo@qia.ca
Mary AkpalialukIqaluitP.O. Box 1340, Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 ph: 867•975•8420Fax: 867•979•3238iqaluitclo@qia.ca
Perry IkkidluakKimmirutP.O. Box 82, Kimmirut, NU X0A 0N0 ph: 867•939•2135Fax: 867•939•2134kimmirutclo@qia.ca
Sheena MachmerPangnirtungP.O. Box 633, Pangnirtung, NU X0A 0R0 ph: 867•473•8991Fax: 867•473•8994panngirtungclo@qia.ca
Lamech KadlooPond InletP.O. Box 151, Pond Inlet, NU X0A 0S0 ph: 867•899•8640Fax: 867•899•8642pondinletclo@QIA.ca
Lorna KullualikQikiqtarjuaqP.O. Box 239, Qikiqtarjuaq, NU X0A 0B0 ph: 867•927•8195Fax: 867•927•8196qikiqtarjuaqclo@qia.ca
Susan SalluviniqResolute BayP.O. Box 116, Resolute Bay, NU X0A 0V0 ph: 867•252•3997Fax: 867•252•3129resolutebayclo@qia.ca
Julie EmikotailakSanikiluaqP.O. Box 90, Sanikiluaq NU X0A 0W0 ph: 867•266•8162Fax: 867•266•8163sanikiluaqclo@qia.ca

Our Finances

In October 2016, QIA’s Resource Revenue Policy established the Legacy Fund and the Benefits Fund which determined how QIA’s revenues were saved and spent.

In October 2022, QIA’s Board of Directors approved to amend and reinstate QIA By-Law 06, the Resource Revenue Policy.

Two new policies, the Resource Allocation Policy and the Legacy Fund Policy, replaced QIA’s previous Resource Revenue Policy. The two new policies allow greater flexibility in spending money on programming for Inuit and in saving for the future.

The amendments also expanded QIA’s focused areas of spending to include Community Resources and Opportunities, and Economic Diversifications. These spending streams allow communities to receive and spend a portion of QIA’s revenues as they choose.