Inuktitut Books

Here’s a list of free digital Inuktitut books produced in partnership with QIA. They’re available for download to enjoy at home with your family. These books were produced in partnership with Inhabit Media.

You can purchase the English or Inuktitut versions via Inhabit media at

Uumajut – Learn About Arctic Wildlife

Uumajut – Learn About Arctic Wildlife

Uumajut – Learn About Arctic Wildlife 2

Uumajut – Learn About Arctic Wildlife 2

A Walk on the Tundra

A Walk on the Tundra

A Walk on the Shoreline

A Walk on the Shoreline

Grandmother Ptarmigan

Grandmother Ptarmigan

Miqquliit Tariurmiutat Marine Mammals

Miqquliit Tariurmiutat Marine Mammals

Action Words (Moving Around)

Action Words (Moving Around)

Eliaspee and Her Baby Seagull

Eliaspee and Her Baby Seagull

My Emotions

My Emotions

Putuguq & Kublu and the Qalupalik

Putuguq & Kublu and the Qalupalik

The Fox Wife

The Fox Wife

How we Hunt a Bowhead

How we Hunt a Bowhead

Ukiuqtaqtumi Tingmiat

Ukiuqtaqtumi Tingmiat

Lessons for the Wolf

Lessons for the Wolf

Ukaliq Puppies

Ukaliq Puppies

The Raven and the Loon

The Raven and the Loon

Under the Ice

Under the Ice

The Orphan and the Polar Bear

The Orphan and the Polar Bear

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing

Fishing with Grandma

Fishing with Grandma

Tuniit Mysterious Folk of the Arctic

Tuniit Mysterious Folk of the Arctic

Aglu Hunting: A Guide for Young Hunters

Aglu Hunting: A Guide for Young Hunters

A Children’s Guide to Arctic Birds

A Children’s Guide to Arctic Birds