During the Nauttiqsuqtiit annual training week, Mick and Tommossie from Sanikiluaq delivered a traditional knowledge workshop. They shared with the Nauttiqsuqtiit and Community of Resolute Bay how they make smoked sausage. Smoked sausage in Sanikiluaq is a local delicacy – Maktaaq stuffed in inaluaq, boiled for about an hour, and smoked in a smoker or over driftwood on the land. It can be served thawed or frozen – there are a few variation on how it can be made. You can stuff the inuluaq completely with just maktaaq with a lot of uqsuq, or maktaaq with little uqsuq. Whatever taste you prefer.

Though this dish is well known in Sanikiluaq, people around the Qikiqtaaluk area may not know about it or know how to make it. Sanikiluaq is often isolated from the rest of Nunavut because of the distance. But gatherings like this and the establishment of Nauttiqsuqtiit are helping to bridge the gap, creating more awareness and building stronger relationships with our fellow Inuit.

It was a beautiful sight to observe the passing of traditional knowledge from a different part of Qikiqtani to so many people. With so many attendees from all over the Qikiqtani this delicacy may just become a regular recipe to all. Thank you for the amazing workshop Mick and Tommossie “Taamo”. And thank you once again to our Resolute Bay hosts!

Amazing Sanikiluaq facts:

  • Sanikiluaq is home to reindeer from Tuktoyaktuk, that were introduced to the Belcher Islands in 1978.
  • Almost all of Sanikiluaq is IOL, with subsurface rights. IOL consultations with original land selectors shows the land selection was mostly for conservation/protection.
  • -Sanikiluaq is famous for its eider ducks and eider down clothes. The local population does not migrate and will stay in the area all year.