Qikiqtani Makimajjutissat

In January 2023, the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) Board of Directors passed a resolution to proceed with a proposal to negotiate a new and bold regional approach to conservation.

Canada has committed to protecting 25% of its land and waters by 2025. They are prepared to invest in protecting lands, waters and wildlife and the communities that rely on them. There are national and international philanthropists that care about nature, including in the Arctic and want to invest in Inuit-led conservation.

The opportunity has never been greater to advance our vision to improve community wellbeing, economic prosperity and the health of our lands, waters, and wildlife.

Over the course of the next year, QIA and our partner Oceans North will host two engagement sessions in each Qikiqtani community to seek input on Qikiqtani Pivviksaqarninga.

Engagements will seek feedback on the following topics:

  • Cultural, Wellness and Community Development Priorities
  • Food Sovereignty
  • Fisheries Reconciliation
  • Stewardship
  • Infrastructure
  • Places of Significance
  • Conservation goals

Once we hear back from each community, we will report back to the QIA board to create a conservation and community development plan that supports and enhances community goals.

Community Tour Dates

Community Engagement Dates
Grise Fiord TBD
Resolute Bay TBD
Clyde River TBD
Pond Inlet TBD
Pangnirtung TBD
Qikiqtarjuaq TBD
Igloolik June 14 – 15
Sanirajak June 16 – 17
Arctic Bay June 20 – 22
Kimmirut June 26 – 27
Iqaluit TBD
Kinngait May 29 – 30
Sanikiluaq May 2 – 3