Eight trainees in Resolute Bay recently completed ten weeks of pre-trades training. This training is part of the High Arctic Trades Training program being delivered in conjunction with QIA’s Tallurutiup Imanga infrastructure developments.

Resolute Bay is the first community to have the Trades Training program delivered. The trainees who successfully completed the pre-trades training now have the opportunity to work for NCC Development on the Tallurutiup Imanga multi-use facility being built in Resolute Bay. The trainees will be getting on-the-job training during the renovations of the old Co-op hotel to retrofit it into the new Nauttiqsuqtiit office as well as the new addition of the Nauttiqsuqtiit workshop.

Congratulations to the trainees in Resolute Bay!

In March 2022, QIA announced a partnership with NCC Development, Qikiqtaaluk Business Development Corporation, and Qikiqtani Industry Ltd. to deliver a Trades Training program and provide job placements for up to 60 Inuit trainees in the communities of Arctic Bay, Clyde River, Grise Fiord, Pond Inlet, and Resolute Bay. This Trades Training program is funded by Makigiaqta Inuit Training Corporation and Kakivak Association.

Job placements will be with NCC Development on the construction of multi-use facilities and Regional Training Centre projects funded by QIA through the Tallurutiup Imanga National Marine Conservation Area and Tuvaijuittuq infrastructure agreements. Qikiqtani Industry Ltd. will lead the ten-week classroom learning and hands-on training which will be timed to allow for a transition to job placements.

This training is expected to start in the other four Tallurutiup Imanga impacted communities of Arctic Bay, Clyde River, Grise Fiord, and Pond Inlet in spring 2023.